Category: random

Found Folder: Tweet Drafts 2014


Twice in the early 2010s, I lost all my drafts in the Twitter app after running my phone through TSA airport X-ray conveyors. So I began to write potential tweets in an MS Word file, away from the app. I appended new drafts to the same file for a few years.


Free Thoughts 2023g

The evolution of reading and attention span leaves me terrified to write paragraphs longer than 2.75 sentences. Some paragraphs, however, require multi-sentence packages to deliver complete thoughts. That said, the copious negative space now around paragraphs opens up

It’s not the notion of what constitutes a short sentence that has changed, but rather, what constitutes a complete thought.…


highest pleasures / just the weather

One of the highest pleasures is to be more or less unconscious of one’s own existence, to be absorbed in sights, sounds, places, and people.

Alan Watts

You are the clear blue sky.
Everything else is just the weather.

Pema Chödrön

Thought Corral 202210b

I write every day. I just don’t want to publish every day. Would that I did not think in drafts.

Hard to “Build that brand!” tho, when you have no routine around creativity.

otoh, deadlines make the writer, lest the lines go dead.

Running out of storage on a device hooked to a cloud is a feature, not your fault

Listening to music is a form of mind reading.…


“When you hate…”

When you hate, you generate a reciprocal hate. When individuals hate each other, the harm is finite; but when great groups of nations hate each other, the harm may be infinite and absolute. Do not fall back upon the thought that those whom you hate deserve to be hated. I do not know whether anybody deserves to be hated, but I do know that hatred of those whom we believe to be evil is not what will redeem mankind.


Random 20220914

In this world, are there more cheap things or expensive things not worth the money?

commitment is a subset of love

none of my best performances have been recorded 😔

Sometimes I have a lot of trouble figuring out how people zipped themselves into their clothes

there’s more profit in the darkest futures.…


Warring Thoughts

the trick is to get paid for just being you

to “turn a trick” is to be paid to be someone else’s “you”

adopting war terminology for sports (“bomb,” “shotgun,” “blitz,” “strikers,” “defense,” “offence,” “flanks,” “attack,” “sacking,” etc) turned war into sports

Now, those not fighting are said to be “on the sidelines.”…


Random 20220506

a week of scattered thoughts

Grass is a reflective, not euphoric drug. That’s why it was made illegal

Fwiw, nuclear power is a form of solar energy. Stars are just big AF reactors.
In a way, every nuclear plant on Earth is a man-made nano-star.
Nuclear bombs explode microscopic suns.

there’s only so many times you can say, “I’m being taken out of context,” until your actual context becomes questionable

Let’s pitch Name That Tune except you have to ID songs behind white noise at varying intensities – (vacuum cleaners, hvac, subway entering station, side of a highway, etc)

No Justice = No Peace also means No Injustice = No War.…


Random 20220205

social media comprises self-selecting containment zones

virologist ≠ epidemiologist

some body = some bot-ty

The apocalypse is now only one short-sale away

Everyone is redeemable or no one is redeemable – Anywhere in between, someone (or some algorithm) will need to play god

i can never remember the time in australia

but I’m getting better at it

i always, to a point, play the dumbest possible person on Help lines & chats – why reach out for help if you think you know the answer?…
