Category: aired|reviewed|remixed

sum + difference = mystery in the fog

Sum + Difference [disquiet0130] off Particle Thoery (2014) soundtracks a beautiful “mood board” camera test by North Carolina editor and motion designer Holden Kim.

This was just a quick test with my new BMPCC one morning when there was a little fog in the air.
After testing, I realize that I really need the full version of DaVinci Resolve to do noise reduction.


#DaCaLuF 116: Infinite Hide ‘n Seek Destination

Infinite Destination (off Hola, Sayulita! (2010) and Reflected.10×10 (2012) plays hide-‘n-seek in a Brazilian forest withe Bellais family and friends.

The Bellais family from France is traveling around the world in a converted old fire truck for two years. They’ve used a few of my tracks in their video episodes, and it’s an absolute kick to follow along and hear my songs pop up every so often.…


milkshake echoes #torradatorrada

How cool is this? she still echoes (like a summer) [off still echoes (2013)], a wistful track about long-ago summer loves and the consequences of choices, soundtracks the creation of a cookies ‘n cream milkshake on the ridiculously fun Brazilian cooking show, Torrada!Torrada! (Toast! Toast!). Guest starring Brazilian fashion and cultural phenom Karina Milanesi, this video is just everything good (and sweet) in the world.…


Carpaccio In The Sky

Always In The Sky [off :^D (2011) and Reflected.10×10 (2012)] catalyzes a zucchini carpaccio in the latest installment of the Brazilian cooking show #TorradaTorrada’s spin-off series #TorradaFresh. Amazing uses of my tracks keep coming from Luanda Gazoni. And my birthday’s tomorrow, so this is a perfect present.


Published on Nov 19, 2014
#TorradaFresh – EP.


#DaCaLuF 109: Always In The Sky Stuck With Hungry Caymans

A camper breaks down, leaving the Bellais family stuck overnight on a flooded road in the Brazilian Pantanal. Surrounded by hungry crocodiles, they make it through the night using collective wits, sheer grit and a little help from some kind strangers.

A new Wes Craven film?

Nope. Just another day (and night) in the Bellais family’s two-year adventure around the world in their custom fire-truck camper.…


creative [pretty blossoms] commons

Romanian fashion/style bloggers The Pretty Blossoms make themselves up to three of my tracks in this vid: Windfall, Always In The Sky and Sayulita. So xclnt to see Sayulita out in the world. Very meaningful song to me.

Published on Nov 1, 2014
Pagina de FB:


San Jose Museum Momentum Installation

The Momentum exhibit runs through February at the San Jose Museum Of Art. Sound artist, writer and Junto founder Marc Weidenbaum curated the sound (as an “intervention”) for one of the installations, the video Untitled #8 (2004) by Josh Azzarella. Back in August, Marc sent out the silent video as project Disquiet0138-videosonicvoid, and challenged us to create a looping piece:

Compose a 2.5-minute soundtrack to complement the silent video “Untitled #8, 2004″ by the artist Josh Azzarella.


manhattan bridge [henry chalfant] train

manhattan bridge train [disquiet0011] [off still echoes (2013) and a disquiet junto project] runs underneath a look at the Pera Museum’s (Istanbul, Turkey) “Language Of The Wall” exhibition of photographs by Henry Chalfant of New York City subway car graffiti and street-art.

A perfect ride for my track.

Published on Sep 22, 2014
Language of the Wall: Graffiti / Street Art
13 August – 5 October 2014

Duvarların Dili: Graffiti / Sokak Sanatı
13 Ağustos – 5 Ekim 2014

Muzik | Music:
Manhattan Bridge Train [disquiet0011]
Westy Reflector, 2013


echo lake: fundy adventure rally

Echo Lake [off Stay Home vs. The Love Shoppings (2007) and Reflected.10×10 (2012)] powers the middle legs of this video recap of the 500km Fundy Adventure Challenge rally. I’ve only ridden a motorcycle twice in my life – the last time over 20 years ago. I’ve not had any opportunity since, so the GoPro cycling vids popping up now w/ my songs are 100% xclnt.…


she still echoes: short film end credits

Conversaciones (Conversations) from Jaume R. Lloret on Vimeo.

A snippet of my track she still echoes (like a summer) runs over the closing credits of a meditative short film called “Conversations,” directed by Jaume R. Lloret, which competed in Spain’s Jameson Notodo Film Festival. Also was selected for the Radio City Festival in the section “Valenciana Shorts” and a finalist in the Mostra de Cinema Jove of Elche.…


windfall on the liz berg show (wfmu)

WFMU’s Liz Berg from 6/27/2014

Few things are more awesome (or cool or hot or sick or tight or quiche or jelly or whatever euphemism you use to say “yes!”) than getting played on WFMU. In this case, my track Windfall (also at the Free Music Archive) spun midway through the June 27th episode of the Liz Berg show, which airs every Monday morning from 9 to noon (podcast stream/download/subscription available at link).…
