Tag: AI

tuesday prompts

“the programmer of our universe’s Simulation, pointillism oil painting”

“A person who believes everything is an illusion”

“Boston Dynamics robot breast feeding a baby boy”

“Why are you here?”

The Last Repair

Meta Meat Team Mate

Ford Kharkey sat behind the wheel of his immaculate repair van, eyes scanning the road ahead. His assistant, Cleave, a lumpy nug of rich red and pink ground beef, sat shotgun, upright in a plastic tub secured by a metal O-ring lashed to the passenger seatbelt. Just south of Belle Glade on Florida 27, they drove in silence for a while, punctuated by the intermittent sounds of love bug splats and wipers against the windshield.…


random fr(ai)day: a pile and a poll

Prompt Pile 202302a

“an analog stereo receiver knob that expands space.”

”Kandinski’s ‘Regret’”

“The last musician on Earth, photographed by William Eggleston.”

”A guitar pedal that controls space and time.”

Punch Line Poll! How does an AI keep a secret?
  • In a database!
  • Co-located on a global network!
  • “Recently” deleted!
  • Alphabetically, by date, time, and user!
