Tag: bloomingdale’s

The Know It Alls At Bloomingdale’s [almost disquiet0037-asrealasitgets1]

Was Upper East Side (like in a Warren Zevon song) in Manhattan on Sunday 16 September 2012 and captured a couple recordings at Bloomingdale’s. I flipped a coin to decide which to submit to the Junto and this one lost, but it was worth sharing.

This recording was made on the 8th (top) floor in the children’s section.…


Bloomingdale’s Ascension [disquiet0037-asrealasitgets1]

Was Upper East Side (like in a Warren Zevon song) in Manhattan on Sunday 16 September 2012 and captured a couple recordings at Bloomingdale’s. I flipped a coin to decide which to submit to the Junto and this one won. This recording captures a journey from the 59th Street N/R/4/5/6 subway station under the store to the street.…
