[remix.reflector] Conjecture Of A TIme: Whooshed Connections [disquiet0190-missedconnections]

Conjecture Of A Time is a wonderful, mysterious sound artist who has contributed to the Disquiet Junto since back in year two. This week, [he? she? them?] remixed small loops of my C-swells [disquiet0189-tonelayer] along with Olaf Wisselink’s Cascade [disquiet0189-tonelayer], adding in “whoosh” sounds to mask the loop endings. The result is a joyful noise. File under: Summer road trip asteroid rest stop on the Andromeda-M83 Intergalactic Highway, drinking a Terra Novacaine Fizz, leaving Earth in the rear-view for a while…

COAT’s soundcloud liner notes:

I started from the excellent tracks of #olafwie (Olafwie – Cascade-disquiet0189-tonelayer) and #thereflectors (Thereflectors – C-swells) and extracted a 6 bars loop and a 10 bars loop.

I used gradually louder Whoosh sounds to distract the listener attention from the ending of each loop, and then just had to end with a final Whoosh at bar 60 where the loops stop to remain around 2 minutes.

More on this 190th Disquiet Junto project:
“Set two out-of-sync loops atop each other, and then add sonic glue”

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Source Tracks: