Tag: real life

metaphor / material

I have quite a bit of fun losing tennis matches as long as I take a ton of risks.

The zone that takes me to a place of calm courage happens when I finally displace the notion I’m playing against someone, with the notion that I’m playing with someone.

My mind and body also need to find a space of equilibration, where body forgets materiality and mind forgets gravity.…


Challenge The Thought

all strains of a virus begin life as a variant.
Not all variants, however, become new strains

so it is with intelligence as with disease

all intelligence begins life as a thought exercise
not all thought exercises, however, become intelligence

The true epidemic of covid19 is to be overwhelmed by absolute certainty

Joe Rogan is a thought exercise in existential uncertainties, rendered in flesh

Canceling comedians is, in effect, an attempt to cancel laughter, and to shame those laughing.…


Freedom of Silence

Why silence anyone, lest we’re ok silencing ourselves as an unintended consequence?

There should be, however, a corollary right to free speech that confers the right to silent spaces.

Freedom of speech = freedom from speech

i.e., Freedom of Silence


a running list of useless phrases and rhetorical filler

I will say this…
I think that…
You know, it’s funny…
The funny thing is…
In my opinion…
Let me be clear…
Let me be perfectly clear…
Just so we’re clear…
I honestly think…
I believe that…
In my view…
Personally, I…
Personally I think…
Personally I believe…
In my world…
In a perfect world…
I mean,…
I deeply believe…
I firmly believe…
I for one…
My personal theory is…
If you want my take, I…
I’m no expert, but…
I don’t know about that, but…
This is probably controversial, but…
This is a hot take, but…
I don’t know him personally, but…
I’ve never been there, but…
I’ve never had to experience that, but…
I cannot emphasize enough…
It’s obvious that…
I’m pretty sure…
Here’s the thing…
I obviously think…
Truth be told,…
It goes without saying…
This is textbook ________ …
You know what I mean?…


Quality Covid 20220108

“Certificate of Quality”
“Inspected by 01”

I’m an official breakthrough case. No Abott Binax tests anywhere in the neighborhood, but managed to score a few of these at random pharmacies in the blocks around my house. This FlowFlex test has a fortune cookie vibe, but the way I’ve felt in the last few days is no joke.…


Brighter Than Stars

medium mirror

“I’m brighter than you stars!” New York City taunted, waving their walk signs, shaking their streetlights at Orion, the sole visible constellation that Fall night.

“Pfft,” said Rigel, Orion’s brightest star, “what are you, a hundred years old?”

“Shut up, I’m almost five!”


Fwiw, Capella, Vega, Sirius, and Deneb were also visible over the City the night of the story.…


Truth In Paradox

The paradox of truth in the context of privacy arises where lying is not always unjustified, or even unproductive.

Sometimes, lying is downright forgivable, even necessary.

Anonymity and pseudonymity, for example, are forms of lying. But in these cases, untruth protects the truth. The “lie” is IRL armor; shielding a true identity.…


Eye-Roll 20190617a


Most car horn use is an expression of a driver’s loneliness, masked as urgency.

Car horns should not only be all in the same key, but also the same mode. Doesn’t have to be major. I’ll take Mixolydian, even Aeolian.


Frivolous horn use should be per honk – $0.25 for the first second of duration, $1.00 each additional second.…
