Tag: img

Leafcutter Capture 202307

Was on the road for over a week, into last week.

NYC ⏩️ Cuyahoga Falls ⏯️ Chicago ⏩️ Indianapolis ⏩️ Pittsburgh ⏩️ NYC

Still processing the adventure. A bit of family heaviness preceded, too. Hung over the quiet parts.

Today I saw a female leafcutter bee in my Brooklyn backyard carrying a leaf back to the underground lair she’s building in the soil between two of our garden’s bluestones.…


An American Wall

Eastern Wall of the Richmond Police Department Headquarters
Grace and Jefferson Streets
Richmond, VA

“Thin Blue Line,” Michael Stutz (2005)
Public Art Commission

“Site Of The House In Which
Samuel Preston Moore
Surgeon General
Confederate States of America
Lived From 1863 To 1865

This Tablet Is Placed By The
Confederate Memorial Literary Society A.D.

Free Thoughts 2023g

The evolution of reading and attention span leaves me terrified to write paragraphs longer than 2.75 sentences. Some paragraphs, however, require multi-sentence packages to deliver complete thoughts. That said, the copious negative space now around paragraphs opens up

It’s not the notion of what constitutes a short sentence that has changed, but rather, what constitutes a complete thought.…


tuesday prompts

“the programmer of our universe’s Simulation, pointillism oil painting”

“A person who believes everything is an illusion”

“Boston Dynamics robot breast feeding a baby boy”

“Why are you here?”

low-priority throttle

This Terminal command to disable MacOS’s default “low-priority throttle” has been indispensible while backing up with Time Machine of late:

sudo sysctl debug.lowpri_throttle_enabled=0

Leaving it on (“=1”) shunts the backup to the last in line for the CPU no matter what. My backup process, however, is a VIP club goer.

Would that I could control, with one simple line of code, the throttle on my darkest thoughts.…


random fr(ai)day: a pile and a poll

Prompt Pile 202302a

“an analog stereo receiver knob that expands space.”

”Kandinski’s ‘Regret’”

“The last musician on Earth, photographed by William Eggleston.”

”A guitar pedal that controls space and time.”

Punch Line Poll! How does an AI keep a secret?
  • In a database!
  • Co-located on a global network!
  • “Recently” deleted!
  • Alphabetically, by date, time, and user!


(xtra)terrestrial vacation

The idea that alien life forms would conform to our dimensional perspectives and physics, and yet still leave themselves vulnerable to human weapons and hate, is naive.

“An Earthland vacation this light-year? Really?”

“I heard it’s pretty, and I always wanted to go.”

“Okay, but just remember to bring ‘sion-block-“

“Yes, I packed ‘sion-block!”


70-year shutter click

My IRL family, Maplewood, NJ, 1981 [me: 2nd from bottom left; paternal grandparents Ida & Morris: top row left; self-timer composition, Kodak stock, format unknown]

Down in Florida last month, I began to organize my parents’ 6 bins of photographs, the earliest of which reached back into the 1880s. Aside from being an invaluable record of my family history, the trove also provides, upstream, a fractal of the entire era of mass manual photography.…
