Tag: flying time

Dowsabel: One Dream To Another (remix of Flying Time)

Dowsabel (chris wells, Columbus, US) loves obsolete words, and he took his musical name from the Latin for sweet and beautiful. His music lives up to the promise in his name, and his remix of my remix of a collision of bird sounds and acoustic guitars provides exponential entertainment and purpose to my track (which is below his track notes).…


flying time [disquiet0009-avian]

a thrush and an acoustic guitar. like a supercalafragalistic cartoon on your shoulder.

The source material for the 9th disquiet.com Junto project from March 2012 was provided from these two samples:

“Chord progression on mic’d acoustic guitar. A Major, c# minor, b minor, E Major.”

“Song thrush on a spring evening, 17th of march 2007 in a forest north of Cologne, Germany.”
