Category: real life

The Resurrection of Uncle

westyreflector.medium mirror

That Old Guitar on That Old Guitar

Uncle, a 1934 Gibson L-1 flat-top acoustic, came to me via my wife Cat’s father, Steve, a stellar pianist and big band leader in Chicago. Cat’s great Uncle Ernest, Uncle’s original owner, bequeathed the guitar to Steve.

Uncle guarding Luna, May 2021
Uncle guarding Luna, May 2021

Cat & I found Uncle (in his original case) in Steve’s basement on a trip to her Chicago home.…


[words] rip, ric

under the cold and darkly sky / you trip the light and go…

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the cars were my fav band growing up. in my high-wire suburban teenage days, their records and lateral solo projects not only were desert island discs, they were my desert island.

the band (driven by ric ocasek’s all-lowercase, overdriven-jangle, and quirky-jerk writing) catalysed my adolescent desire and urgency to learn guitar and to write songs.…


Eye-Roll 20190617a


Most car horn use is an expression of a driver’s loneliness, masked as urgency.

Car horns should not only be all in the same key, but also the same mode. Doesn’t have to be major. I’ll take Mixolydian, even Aeolian.


Frivolous horn use should be per honk – $0.25 for the first second of duration, $1.00 each additional second.…


supermarket matrix glitch

On 03 May 2017, at around 17:45, on 6th Avenue and President Street, a man and a woman passed me by, empty-handed, as I walked home after shopping. I had been in the market for approximately 12 minutes, and was about 3 blocks (so 2 minutes) south of the market when these two walked by me the other way.…


Write On The Exhale mirror

analog truth, typos make

Communication is a form of respiration.

“You want to know what I think…?” is the same as asking, “You want to know how I breathe…?”

Resonant, meaningful discourse flows as a meditation, where we think on inhale and communicate on exhale. Thinking, writing, and speaking — these mirror different stages of breathing, and together form a respiratory cycle.…
