Drifting Moon / Spinning Earth

Drifting Moon / Spinning Earth
09.28.2014 1:22a, 09.30.2014 10:34p, 10.01.2014 6:30p, 10.03.2014 8:35p

She had to leave Ohio
Find a strength she’d never known
She had to shed her skin
What she was was too far away from what she was within

You pay the price / To be yourself
When you’re not the one / The world expected

But we are each a universe
Where every drifting moon / Deserves a spinning Earth
Everything you are, we are, too.

She followed her dreams to New York
A thousand feet in the air she found love
He said “You should never feel alone. You had the light in you all along.
“Do not live life as a shadow… I know…

“You pay the price / To be yourself
When you’re not the one / The world expected

“But you and I make a universe
Where every drifting moon / Finds a spinning Earth
Everything you are, I am, too.”

In the clouds and in his arms
She let go of right and wrong
Tore away her shirt; threw away her tie
Turned her shadow into a sword

You pay the price / To be yourself
When you’re not the one / The world expected

But you and I make a universe
Where every drifting moon / Finds a spinning earth
Everything you are
Is a universe
Where every drifting moon / Finds a spinning Earth
Everything you are, we are, too.