she still echoes: short film end credits

Conversaciones (Conversations) from Jaume R. Lloret on Vimeo.

A snippet of my track she still echoes (like a summer) runs over the closing credits of a meditative short film called “Conversations,” directed by Jaume R. Lloret, which competed in Spain’s Jameson Notodo Film Festival. Also was selected for the Radio City Festival in the section “Valenciana Shorts” and a finalist in the Mostra de Cinema Jove of Elche. No spoilers, other than my track gets a scrolling credit…

Dos hombres cualquiera hablan sobre sus cosas en un parque cualquiera, porque realmente, la situación cada vez está peor…
“Two ordinary men talk about their stuff in a ordinary park, because the situation is getting worse…”

Jaume R. Lloret